Where to find items in support of palestine.
For suggestions please contact: dutchscholarspalestine@gmail.com
About Hirbawi KEFFIYEHs
The Hirbawi factory and its artisans have woven the authentic Keffiyeh since 1961. It is now the last and only kufiya factory in Palestine. They promote local and ethical Palestinian trade in a step towards the self-determination and liberation of the Palestinian People.
from: Hirbawi.ps
International Hirbawi Resellers:
Kufiya.org, Palestine
Hirbawiusa.com, USA/Turtle Island
Kufiyas.org.au, Australia and Aotearoa
Abuwear.com, Ireland
Hirbawigcc.com, Arab Gulf (GCC)
Hirbawi.cl, Chile
Hirbawi.id, Indonesia
Hebronidamaszek.pl, Poland
If you’re in Palestine, pay them a visit at: Hirbawi Textile Factory, Habayel El-Riyah, Hebron, Palestine.
Palestinian owned
Food, olive oil, flags, Hirbawi Keffiyehs, prayer beads, self care items and ceramics.
Clothing, jewelry, accessories.
Tatreez, Keffiyehs, jewelry, homeware.
Paintings, murals.
Handmade ceramics inspired by Palestinian embroidery.
Palestine Solidarity
Sponsor an olive tree in Palestine.
Shirts (in support of Dar Essalaam Hospital in Gaza), keychains stickers, keychains, pins.
Stickers, shirts, caps.
The Netherlands based
AlQuds Shop, Rotterdam
Food, dates, clothes, keffiyehs, flags, hijabs.
Mod Arabia, Amsterdam West
Palestinian Flags.
Nour shop, Amsterdam
Palestinian Flags.
L’Amira, Eindhoven
Palestinian Flags.
Mod Arabia, Utrecht
Palestinian Flags.